Geopathic Stress: Harmful Earth Radiations
Geopathic stress refers to harmful earth radiations, primarily caused by underground water streams and the Hartmann grid. These radiations can negatively impact health if a person sleeps or spends extended time in affected areas.
Main Causes of Geopathic Stress:
1. Hartmann Zones – A natural grid of energy lines occurring every two meters, running north-south and east-west. Prolonged exposure can lead to inflammation, allergies, and chronic diseases.
2. Underground Water Streams – These radiate stronger negative energy and have been linked to severe health issues, including leukemia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and joint inflammation.
Health Risks from Long-Term Exposure:
Heart issues (if the Hartmann grid crosses the chest)
Neurological disorders (when radiation affects the head)
Cancer risk (when a Hartmann zone and an underground water stream cross under the body)
Depression and suicide (observed in areas with underground water stream crossings)
Detection: Radiesthesia & Dowsing Rods
Radiesthesia is the scientific study of detecting earth radiation and energy fields. It is commonly used to identify geopathic stress zones. Dowsing rods (L-rods or pendulums) are tools used by practitioners to locate Hartmann lines, underground water streams, and neutral energy zones. By mapping out these areas, people can adjust their living and sleeping spaces to avoid harmful radiations.
Solution: Finding a Neutral Zone
Detecting and avoiding geopathic stress areas is key to preventing chronic health issues. By repositioning beds or workspaces to neutral zones free from harmful radiations, people often experience improved well-being and spontaneous healing of long-term ailments.
Historically, radiesthesia was used in architecture to locate beneficial and harmful energy spots. Many ancient churches and sacred sites were built on positive energy zones, enhancing their uplifting and healing atmosphere.
Recognizing and addressing geopathic stress is crucial for long-term health and well-being.